Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Called of God?

From time to time, when I'm talking to friends or family about being called to be a missionary, I'll be asked something like, "When did God call you?" and typically you answer with some story about how you were reading some passage and just knew that God wanted you to serve somewhere outside of your home country.  I've known my whole life that I wanted to serve God - it's who I am. 

Or when a church board is interviewing you they'll ask you "How do you know you're called?"  I typically talk about Ezekiel 33 about being a watchman for God, but I recieved my missionary call well before I read Ezekiel.  I knew when I was 12 that I wanted to be a missionary in to Carribean area. 

I am surprised how people expect you to have one or two verses to describe your entire being.  I mean, the entire Bible is about God showing His love to us and urging us to show His love to those around us, it's about adding all we can to God's Kingdom.  So, how can we just grab one verse?  The whole Bible is about missions and if I did want to pick one verse, how could I do so when I haven't read the entire book?

It bugged me a lot when year after year my call would be questioned because I couldn't convince man that I had been called by God. I understand that the church needs to make sure that no creepers get in, but a little more encouragement would mean the world to us who are simply trying to follow God's will for our lives.  Sometime all the hoops everyone has to go through get very tiring. We all need to be encouraged or we risk giving up all together.  That is why I am making an effort to encourage when I can, even when I feel what I'm saying is a little silly.  Most often it's not silly at all to the one hearing it.

Really, we're all called of God to advance His Kingdom. Some are doctors, teachers, or walmart cashierers. We all can make a difference where ever we are, and whatever we are doing we should be doing as if it were for God himself.  I have many friends & family who are truly called to their profession and they're working in the secular world being Jesus to everyone who walks into their personal space. Just because you aren't called to Africa doesn't mean that God doesn't think he can use you.  All God needs is for you to be willing to do his will, and he will use you.

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